To Stick or Not To Stick
What is the main purpose of a "Sticker", is to stick on something or some place for a period of time when "someone"remove the sticker off.What if human is like a sticker...especially to couples? If one of the couple is becoming more like a sticker, do the other partner will start to get irritated or feel weird on why he/her partner start to become like a "sticker"". To some extend, some partners do not like the feeling to be stick on each other all the time. They prefer to have more breathing space than the partner stick on their side. But by giving too much breathing space, some partners may tend to go off "track"' and travel on the other "track". When that happen, argument, quarrell and dissatisfactory of each other will kick off.
Human are really a very weird creature in the planet. They can change thier mindset and the way of doing things in speed second (as we can say as 3 sec temper). When this thing happen, sure have someone get hurted or get disappointed. One example is to become a "sticker" to someone else, this matter will arise alot of mistaking and strange feeling toward 2 or more people. The other problem is attention, if you don't give too much attention to someone else, the person will start to feel that she/he is lonely or if the person is attached, he/she will feel that the feeling from the other partner have fade off and start to lose attention on she/he. If you turn the table the other way round, the partner will feel irritated and start to avoid you as much as possible.
To be continued...
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