3 More Days To ORD Date
Its been a long time that i have not write my blog. I was thinking am i really that busy till no time to update my blog... I don't think so ba... Just lazy to update and by the way also have nothing to update. I have went to Melbourne few weeks ago for my holiday cum visiting my frz at there. The people in Aust is so kind and polite and the place there is so cooling and the living pace there is relatively slower than singapore. Living there, you have no sense of rushing for work or rushing anyway like Singapore here.I have visited quite a number of places in Melbourne, place that are natural and beautiful. The most unforgettable is the Grampian and the great ocean road. The view there is so awesome and where u get there, u bearly want to leave the place and feel like settle at there. As the places is far away from cities and the air there is so refreshing. If i have the chance to go Aust again, i will visit other places in Aust.
Ok, come back from my main topic...ORD this friday... finally the day have come le. Have been waiting for this day for 1 1/2 yrs. But ORD mean jobless and no more pay to take, mean i have to find job to survive and to pay all my bills and other stuffs. Nowadays jobs are so hard to find in Singapore.... Hope i will find one.